copyist, translation and transcription services
An individualized æsthetic approach to each score assures coherence between all textual and graphical elements. The appearance of every score prepared by shirling & neueweise exhibits detailed consideration of the specificities of the music and its notation — reflecting, in some cases, characteristics of the composers handwriting — rather than being subject to a blanket house style.
- preparation of scores from the composers manuscript, from existing finale or sibelius files, from MIDI data, from existing files created with other notation programmes;
- musical examples for theses, analyses, journals, articles, etc.;
- part extraction from existing scores;
- aesthetic enhancements to existing scores;
- international phonetic alphabet (IPA) for text and/or lyrics.
Software used: Finale, Sibelius.
View examples representing a variety of æsthetic and notational approaches, from a “classical” “Beethovenian notation” look through to individualized modern notation styles and proportional and graphic notation.
Contact us for all your music notation needs.
Translation, proofreading and editing services are available for the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese. Services offered include the following:
- translation of programme notes, articles, text modules;
- proofreading and correction of CD booklet texts;
- clarification of descriptive texts in scores;
- etc.
Some examples of translation of texts in the electroacoustic milieu can be found at the following sites:
- Concordia Archival Project (CAP). Montréal: Canadian Electroacoustic Community, November 2008. English translation of eLearning modules: History of Canadian Electroacoustics.
- eContact! 9.3 — Mastering in Electroacoustics: State of Affairs. Canadian Electroacoustic Community, 2007. English translation of the entire issue and article abstracts. [25,200 words]
From your audio document we can perform different levels / kinds of transcription according to your needs: archival, publishing, accessibility and more.
- straight transcription (no editing);
- corrective transcription (redundancies removed);
- edited transcriptions (text “smoothed out”).
Examples of corrective transcriptions can be found on the following site:
- eContact! 10.2 — Interviews (1) . Canadian Electroacoustic Community, 2008. Translation of 115 interviews by Kalvos & Damian (radio show). Another 80 or so are in progress (July 2009)